viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2016

Digestion System Process
Hi bloggers!!!! In the first publication of the blog, I'm going to explain you the digestion system process. I also bring you a video and an explanation about this matter! I hope you like it!!!!

Chewing in the mouth
  • The mouth chews the food.
  •     Saliva mixes the food.
  • We swallow the food and it goes to the esophagus 
Digestion in the stomach
  • The stomach produces gastric juices.
  • The gastric juices break up the food into a pulp.
Digestion in the small intestine
  • The pulp passes from the stomach into the intestine.
  • The liver, the pancreas and the intestine produce juices.
  • These juices mix with the pulp.
·         The small intestine does the absorption (it carries the nutritional substances to the blood and the blood carries these substances to all parts of the body).

·         After the absorption, the pulp goes to the large intestine.
·         The parts of the food that cannot be used by the body are turned into feces (poop).
  • These feces are expelled from the body through the anus.

Here you have the link of the video and it's explanation:

The video explains that the process of digestion starts in the mouth were we chew the food and mix it with saliva. Through the esophagus the food arrives to the stomach were it's mixed with the gastric juices forming pulp. Then, in the small intestine the pulp is mixed with the juices of the liver and the pancreas. After, the small intestine absorbs nutrients to the blood (absorption). The food that the small intestine doesn’t absorb passes to the large intestine, and finally it is expulsed in form of feces through the anus.