domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017

Respiratory system illnesses

Lung cancer

What is it?
Is a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the lungs.  It represents the first cause of death of cancer.

The fist cause of this illness is the tobacco. Undergoing this illness and smoking, the tobacco reduces your live until 10 years. This cancer can be associated to other illnesses, like for example cardiovascular illnesses.

The main symptoms are cough, costal pain and breathe difficulty.

The treatment of this illness changes dependent on the state of the cancer. It’s based on surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy, alone o combined between them.  

Chest tuberculosis

What is it?
It’s an infectious and chronic illness caused by a bacillus called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 

The infection of this illness, it’s hardly always by inhalation. The shortage of ventilation and the overcrowding favour the infection of the illness.  

The most frequent symptoms are fatigue, anorexia, weight lost, fever, sweating and cough.


It’s based in the combination of three not tuberculous medicines during a prolonged period, usually six months. This treatment has the 96% of effectiveness. 

Infectious bronchitis

What is it? - Causes
It’s the inflammation of the bronchi caused by an infection. This illness has duration of few days or weeks. It’s a common and not serious illness, caused by the infection of the respiratory tracts.

The symptoms of this illness are cough, shortage of appetite, fever, mucus and general malaise.


The common treatment is medication based in painkillers (like paracetamol), drink plenty of water and repose. 


What is it?

It’s an illness caused by the combination of symptoms produced by the obstruction of the air tracts.

This illness can be produced by genetic cause or an environment cause. Other causes can be allergens, the exercise, cold air or some medicines.
The main symptoms are wheezing, dyspnea and caught.


Asthma is treated with bronchodilatings (to relief the symptoms) and with controllers (anti-inflammatory).