domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017

Circulatory system illnesses


What is it?
Atherosclerosis is a disease where plaque builds up inside the arteries. Plaque is a sticky substance made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium and other substances found in the blood. Over time, this plaque hardens and narrows the arteries. That limits the blood flow.
The exact causes of arteriosclerosis are not known. Even so, if you smoke, you have high blood pressure or a lot of fat or cholesterol in your blood you’re more prone to suffer this illness.
In general, atherosclerosis has no symptoms until an artery narrows too much or completely. Many people do not know that they are suffering until they have a medical emergency.
The treatment of atherosclerosis is based on the modification of the lifestyle, the use of medicines and even the surgery when it’s necessary.
The best way to combat this illness is the prevention of the cardiovascular risk factors and to have a healthy lifestyle, having healthy food and making physical activities.


What is it?
Hypertension is a cardiovascular disease that develops by elevating blood pressure. It is the one that is presented and diagnosed more frequently.
The exact causes of hypertension are not known. Even so, if you have obesity, a sedentary lifestyle or an excessive consummation of alcohol you are more prone to suffer this illness.  
In general, hypertension has no symptoms. Some patients can be alerted by unspecific symptoms that make go to the doctor and take the strain.
The treatment of hypertension is based on a healthy lifestyle and the use of specific medicines to treat this illness.


What is it?
An aneurysm is an enlargement or abnormal bulging of a part of an artery due to weakness in the wall of the blood vessel.
It is unclear exactly what causes aneurysms. Some are present at born. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking may increase the risk of certain types of aneurysms.
The symptoms depend on where the aneurysm is. If the aneurysm arises near the surface of the body, pain and swelling are often seen with a protuberance. Aneurysms within the body and brain often have no symptoms.
If an aneurysm ruptures the symptoms can be pain, low blood pressure, rapid heart rate or dizziness. When a brain aneurysm is broken, there is a sudden severe headache. The risk of death after a break is high.
The treatment is based in regular check-ups, and in some cases surgery. To prevent you should have a healthy lifestyle and you shouldn’t smoke.

Venous insufficiency

What is it?
It is a disease in which veins have trouble returning blood from the legs to the heart.
The exact causes of venous insufficiency are not known. Even so, if you have obesity, a sedentary lifestyle or some genetically causes make you more prone to suffer this illness.  
The most common symptoms are pain or swelling in the legs or
irritated or dry skin.
Avoid sitting or standing for prolonged periods, lose weight if you are overweight, use compression stockings or some medicines.

Myocardium stroke

What is it?
It is the blockage of blood flow that results in the death of muscle tissue. Blockage happens in one of the arteries of the heart muscle, a coronary artery. It’s also known by heart attack.
The main cause of myocardial stroke is obstruction of the coronary arteries. For the properly function of the heart, blood must flow through the coronary arteries. However, these arteries may become narrowed, making circulation difficult.
Smoking, cholesterol, diabetes and hypertension, as some of the cardiovascular risk factors that force the heart to work in worse conditions.
The main symptom of the stroke is an oppressive pain in the center of the chest irradiated to arms (especially left), neck and back. Also can produce respiratory distress.
The treatment of myocardium stroke usually requires the injection of thrombolytic medicines. They dissolve clots and anticoagulants, such as heparin.

The effects of myocardial infarction depends on the area affected and the size of the lesion, which can range from a decrease in the contractile force of the heart muscle to the immediate death of a person if the infarction interrupts the electrical conduction system from the heart.


The Heart: The heart rests near the center of the chest. Thanks to consistent pumping, the heart keeps the circulatory system working at all times.

Arteries: Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart and where it needs to go.

Veins: Veins carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs where they receive oxygen.

Blood: Blood is the transport media of nearly everything within the body. It transports hormones, nutrients, oxygen, antibodies, and other important things needed to keep the body healthy.

Here you have a game to practise what you have learned!

domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017

Respiratory system illnesses

Lung cancer

What is it?
Is a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the lungs.  It represents the first cause of death of cancer.

The fist cause of this illness is the tobacco. Undergoing this illness and smoking, the tobacco reduces your live until 10 years. This cancer can be associated to other illnesses, like for example cardiovascular illnesses.

The main symptoms are cough, costal pain and breathe difficulty.

The treatment of this illness changes dependent on the state of the cancer. It’s based on surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy, alone o combined between them.  

Chest tuberculosis

What is it?
It’s an infectious and chronic illness caused by a bacillus called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 

The infection of this illness, it’s hardly always by inhalation. The shortage of ventilation and the overcrowding favour the infection of the illness.  

The most frequent symptoms are fatigue, anorexia, weight lost, fever, sweating and cough.


It’s based in the combination of three not tuberculous medicines during a prolonged period, usually six months. This treatment has the 96% of effectiveness. 

Infectious bronchitis

What is it? - Causes
It’s the inflammation of the bronchi caused by an infection. This illness has duration of few days or weeks. It’s a common and not serious illness, caused by the infection of the respiratory tracts.

The symptoms of this illness are cough, shortage of appetite, fever, mucus and general malaise.


The common treatment is medication based in painkillers (like paracetamol), drink plenty of water and repose. 


What is it?

It’s an illness caused by the combination of symptoms produced by the obstruction of the air tracts.

This illness can be produced by genetic cause or an environment cause. Other causes can be allergens, the exercise, cold air or some medicines.
The main symptoms are wheezing, dyspnea and caught.


Asthma is treated with bronchodilatings (to relief the symptoms) and with controllers (anti-inflammatory). 

sábado, 7 de enero de 2017

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Hi Bloggers, this is my second blog and this time I am going to speak to you about the Body Mass Index.

The Index of Mass of Body is a measure of association between the mass and the height of an individual, this is represented in tables of growth of the CDC by age so much for children as girls. 

This is the table of Body Mass Index:
  • Underweight: BMI <18.5
  • Normal: BMI 18.5 - 25
  • Overweight: BMI 25 - 30
  • Obese: BMI >30

The BMI is calculated by the following formula:

For example:

  1. 1'67m x 1'67m : 64kg = 22.9 BMI

This person is within what is considered normal, i.e. either very thin or very fat, but this also goes according to the Constitution, habits and many more factors of a person, so that if you lead a life with food healthy and make sport more likely will it be that you're in your correct BMI.

Pyramid of food

Hi bloggers, I'm Marta and I go to talk and explain some information about the pyramid of food.

This is a pyramid of Food:

In this pyramid of supply you will be able to observe that this one formed by 6 floors, In every plant there is certain food and now I am going to explain to you.

  • In the top of the pyramid, are sweets. The sweets are optional but as much they should take 3 times a week. 

  • Under the top of the pyramid, are the meat, poultry and eggs. These types of food can think as very much 7 times a week.

  • Upper the half of the pyramid, are the Vegetable Oils and Condiments, some examples of them: Oil olive, salt, pepper etc... 

  • In the half of the pyramid, are the Omega-3 foods, for example, the fish, pistachios,  pumpink seeds, sesame seeds, spinach, tofu and others... These types of food must eat up between 1 and 3 times a day.

  • Upper the base of the pyramid, are the fruit, calcium foods and flavonoid food, some of them are: Milk, cheese, pinapple, bananas, apples, lettuce, watermelon, and others...  These types of food must eat up between 2 and 4 times a day.

  • At the base of the pyramid, are vegetables, whole grains, noodles and rice, some of them are: peppers, cucumbers, bread, popcorn, rice, just and others vegetables, whole grains, noodles and rice. These types of food must eat up between 7 and 13 times a week.
Remember, the supply is the base of the health.

lunes, 2 de enero de 2017


Today I bring you some information about the nutrients (Types, some examples, funcions...)



STARCHES: Bread, pasta, cereals, rice, corn…

SUGARS: Biscuits, fruits, milk, sweets…               

The carbohydrates represent the 57% of the aliments in a balanced diet.          

The function of the carbohydrates in our body is for energy (they are like fuel for our body).



Fish, meat, milk, eggs…               

Proteins represent the 15% of the aliments in a balanced diet.

Proteins are used to our body for cell growth, and to repair damaged areas.



Milk, cheese, butter, cooking oil, meat…            

The fats represent the 25% of the aliments in a balanced diet.

They act as a store of energy for our body, which you use if your body runs out of carbohydrates.




Fruits, vegetables, dairy products…       

Vitamins are inside of proteins, and minerals don’t contribute in calories. 

They are for healthy cells (blood, teeth, bones…) Also to repair some areas.


Wholegrain bread, cereals, fruit, vegetables… 

The fibre represents the 3% of the aliments in a balanced diet.              

It helps food move through the gut and to defecate.



Drinks (and some fruits).             

Water doesn’t contribute in calories.

The 70% of the body is water. Chemical reactions take place in water.